Canfield News

Dr. Arthur Perry Discusses Canfield’s VISIA® On Tamron Hall Show

Canfield’s cutting edge VISIA® Skin Analysis was recently featured on the Tamron Hall show with Dr. Arthur Perry – a plastic surgeon and adjunct associate professor of surgery at Columbia University. The segment focused on VISIA’s standardized capture and quantitative analysis and visual assessment. Utilizing the VISIA, Dr. Perry analyzed and interpreted Tamron Hall’s skin conditions (surface and subsurface) and discussed how patients can “defy age”. VISIA’s eight guiding metrics uses the world’s largest skin feature database to grade your client’s skin relative to others of the same age and skin type. Tamron was delighted to see how well she was doing when it came to her surface spots measurements. Dr. Perry then discussed Tamron’s TruSkin Age®, a feature which calculates how old your skin looks based on VISIA’s results. Finally, Dr. Perry discussed how to alleviate the host’s concerns of aging skin by recommending personalized treatment options based on her results.

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