Canfield News

Wrap up 2023 with a new VISIA® facial imaging device!

  • December 6, 2023
  • Blog

As 2023 comes to an end, treat your business with a new facial imaging device, and provide your clients with a revolutionary and personalized consultation experience. With Canfield’s cutting-edge VISIA Skin Analysis, your staff can easily capture high quality, standardized images and analyze results with the latest AI tools. Use VISIA to attract new clients, create meaningful interactions, and motivate clients to act with engaging science-based consultations. With fast, reliable photo documentation, personalized for your practice, streamline your workflow to focus on the client’s experience.

As you invest in the growth of your business with VISIA, do not forget the added bonus at tax time. Thanks to Section 179 of the IRS tax code, you can deduct the full purchase price of qualifying equipment and software purchased during the tax year. It is not just an investment in your business; it is a smart financial move that will pay off come tax season.

Wrap up the year on a high note, contact us to get a quote!